Archive for the ‘drinkboston in the news’ Category
July 24th, 2008
God bless Boston Globe correspondent Liza Weisstuch. She attended the events of Tales of the Cocktail with, of all things, a notebook, writing things down. Her short, sharp summaries of each day appear in today’s Globe article “Mixing it up with the best of them.” Not that I’m mentioned anywhere in the article. Nope, not at all.
Tags: Tales of the Cocktail 2008
Posted in drinkboston in the news, New Orleans | 1 Comment »
June 19th, 2008
One of Boston’s best bartenders, Jackson Cannon, is the subject of an admiring profile in today’s Boston Globe. Congrats, Jackson — well deserved. Careful readers will notice that one of writer Meaghan Agnew’s sources was … moi.
This is a good time to point out that Jackson and his hardworking, talented bar staff are currently doing some recipe testing for drinkboston’s Flowing Bowl Punch Party. The party takes place at Eastern Standard on Monday, June 30. Watch this space for more details as the event’s menu takes shape…
Posted in drinkboston in the news, Events | 1 Comment »
June 5th, 2008
Speaking of the drinkboston Flowing Bowl punch party at Eastern Standard … I mention the event in a guest post I did for the Conde Nast Traveler blog. The post starts with a little promo about LUPEC Boston’s Little Black Book of Cocktails and ends with a shout-out to our fair city’s summer cocktails and bar-oriented events. It’s all a long way of saying, “Drinking in Boston rules.”
Posted in drinkboston in the news | 2 Comments »
March 12th, 2008

“The prospect of drinking with Lauren Clark, booze journalist and walking alcohol encyclopedia, is daunting.”
So begins an article in the latest Weekly Dig. It’s part of a twice-per-year feature called 5 Drink Minimum, where the Dig sends its writers out to report as much as they can remember of a long evening at a local bar. This year, some of the writers paired up with various, um, industry professionals at the bar of the latter’s choice. That’s how I wound up drinking at Deep Ellum with News Editor Cara Bayles. We had a bang-up time, and I have to say she did a nice job with the piece considering what her notebook looked like at the end of the night.
Tags: 5 drink minimum, Deep Ellum, Weekly Dig
Posted in drinkboston in the news | 2 Comments »
November 17th, 2007
For those of you who saw the segment on NECN’s Chet Curtis Report, here’s the recipe for the Marconi Wireless, the cocktail I demo’d on the show:
1 1/2 oz applejack
3/4 oz sweet vermouth
2 dashes orange bitters
Stir all ingredients over ice in a mixing glass. Strain into a cocktail glass.
The reason I chose this cocktail is that, since it uses America’s oldest native distilled beverage — applejack — it is the perfect thing to celebrate one of our oldest holidays, Thanksgiving. Appearing as a founding member of LUPEC Boston and the publisher of, I mixed this drink on the air. And there were no major spills. Here’s my original post about this interesting drink. Cheers!
Posted in Applejack, drinkboston in the news | 8 Comments »