September 9th, 2008
From the Ward Eight to the Ninth Ward
I’ve been meaning since I returned from Tales of the Cocktail in New Orleans to write about the Ninth Ward, a drink that Brother Cleve created for the event. First, a little context. Cleve was supposed to be a presenter at this year’s Tales but wasn’t able to travel because of an illness from which, thankfully, he now appears to be recovering. His cocktailian friends from Boston (and around the country) were as sad as he was about this state of affairs. To cheer both him and ourselves up, we carried a framed photo of him wherever we went, taking snapshots of him ‘hanging out’ with us at the Napoleon House, the Absinthe House, the Carousel Bar, Vaughan’s, etc. As Cleve remarked when he saw the photo album, “Maybe Travelocity can get rid of that gnome and use me instead.”
In addition to taking the majority of the Cleve pics, Boston bar doyenne Misty Kalkofen graciously subbed for her friend at the Tales Cocktail Hour, introducing the Ninth Ward to spirits enthusiasts from around the world. The drink — a play on Boston’s best-known cocktail, the Ward Eight, and an homage to one of the NOLA neighborhoods most beset by Hurricane Katrina flooding — was a hit. It’s an unusual, sophisticated and damn tasty cocktail. The best thing for me to do is let Cleve tell you in his own words the story behind its creation.
“I wanted to create a drink for the event that would have some sort of New Orleans and Boston connection. As disparate as the cities’ cultures may be, I’ve spent a lot of quality drinking time in both. The Saturn Bar, in the Ninth Ward, is probably my favorite bar of all time — definitely my favorite dive bar. The owner-bartender, O’Neil Broyard, died not long after Katrina, which almost destroyed the bar as it did so much of the Ninth Ward. The Ninth Ward shares certain similarities with my neighborhood, Dorchester. While both are among the poorest and most crime-plagued areas of each city, there are also some spots of architecturally stunning homes in areas mostly revitalized by gays and artists.
“So my idea was to take the Ward Eight, the best-known drink created in Boston, and turn it into a tropical cocktail for New Orleans. The Ward Eight is bourbon, grenadine and lemon juice. First step, keep the bourbon. I used the Bulleit brand (known as a ‘frontier whiskey’) since the Ward Eight was a 19th-century drink, and Bulleit has the character of that era’s whiskies, sharp and smoky and not too sweet. I flipped the grenadine for falernum, since falernum is a Caribbean syrup and is found in many tropical drinks. Lime juice is also more ubiquitous in the tropics than lemon juice; almost all the classic Don the Beachcomber/Trader Vic concoctions use it.
“I added a new ingredient to the mix, the fab St. Germain elderflower liqueur. Even though elderflowers grow in the Alps, St. Germain is a French-produced beverage, and the U.S. bought Louisiana from the French. Plus, tropical cocktails almost always feature some form of liqueur, so here’s one for this drink. Then, to hold it all together, a few dashes of Peychaud’s bitters, which of course were created in New Orleans.
“I guess, as a postscript, one could also say that the politics of both Boston and New Orleans have historically always been corrupt. Let the good times roll!”
The Ninth Ward
1 1/2 oz Bulleit bourbon
1/2 oz St. Germain elderflower liqueur
3/4 oz Fee Brothers falernum syrup*
3/4 oz fresh lime juice
2 dashes Peychaud’s bitters
Shake well with ice and strain into a cocktail glass.
* Cleve says, “I used the Fee Brothers falernum, which is non-alcoholic but works beautifully. I tried making the drink with Velvet Falernum, but it was too light. This is a problem with VF in most classic tiki drinks, as Ted Haigh has pointed out. (The VF is great in a Corn ‘n Oil or anything with black rum, like Gosling or Cruzan). The homemade (alcoholic) falernum syrup works just fine. I think this is probably closer in flavor/texture to the classic/discontinued Sazerac brand, which was probably used by Don & Vic in the ’40s. I’m sure there are some small Bermudian or Trinidadian brands that are not imported that may be closer to the Sazerac. Time for an investigative field trip!”
Permalink | Filed under Cocktails, New Orleans, Whiskey | Tags: Brother Cleve, Bulleit bourbon, falernum, New Orleans, Ninth Ward
September 10th, 2008 at 3:48 pm
great posting… the Ninth Ward sounds fab. I have always enjoyed a classic Sazerac… but this sounds like a topper. Know anyplace that can make this, i.e. of the over-35 listing you put together?
September 10th, 2008 at 3:55 pm
Marc — Green Street, Eastern Standard and probably Deep Ellum should be able to make a Ninth Ward for you. If you order one at the latter two bars, jot down the recipe and bring it with you, as the bartenders may not have the recipe on hand.
September 10th, 2008 at 10:34 pm
Love, love your take on New Orleans, where I used to tend bar both pre- and post-K. Alas, now we are back in Boston so it’s nice to read tales from an imbiber with a mixologist’s viewpoint. Thanks! – d.
September 12th, 2008 at 3:52 am
Just made a Ninth Ward as my first cocktail using my newly acquired bottle of St. Germain. This is really as tasty as I’d hoped. Thanks for the recipe!
September 12th, 2008 at 3:56 am
Very glad to hear it, Stevi!
Dianalily — So glad you found the Ninth Ward post. I hope it eased the homesickness a bit.
September 16th, 2008 at 11:17 pm
Amazing cocktail! I backed off on the second round to 1/4 St. Germain and 1/2 falernum & lime to savor a slightly less sweet version, but well played! The flavors compliment each other beautifully!
September 17th, 2008 at 4:06 am
Glad you liked it enough to play around with it, Chad-rock. That’s always a compliment.
November 24th, 2009 at 11:41 am
Outstanding! This is an instant classic cocktail. My wife and I have added it to our rotation for the 5 PM cocktail hour – we usually make it on Wednesdays. Finding the Fee Bros. Falernum wasn’t easy, but my local packie now stocks it for us.